Opus 065
Sonate n°16 pour Piano “Silver String”
Instruments | |
Année | 1976 |
| La page de titre porte les indications: “Sonate n°9, To Glenn Gould”. Le manuscrit, au crayon, est difficile à lire par endroits et inachevé. Olivier a néanmoins enregistré une version de l’œuvre, qu’il a envoyée à Glenn Gould. Le brouillon de sa lettre figure sur le manuscrit: “Dear Mr. Gould, I take the liberty of sending you a work of mine, which finds its only pride in its dedicatee. I have for you the most profound admiration, but I find altogether useless to express it, when, in the heavens, the greatest of our masters are silently fighting for you. Nothing would please me more than an answer from you. Will you excuse the poor quality of the recording. Yours, most respectfully - Olivier Greif.” Glenn Gould a répondu. Sa lettre dactylographiée, polie mais négative, comporte sa signature autographe.